Selfie in Car
On Grand Canyon
Callie: Did you include that it was the mule path we hiked?
C: Great views at the Grand Canyon.
Brady: I really wanted to dive off the side of it. <Editor's note: A continuing discussion with Brady was that if you fall off the side of a cliff, you can't just grab a tree branch. Brady seems to think you just quickly grab something so save yourself.>
C: It was great at the end smelling all the ponderosa pines especially after smelling the mule poop.
C: It rained on us at the Grand Canyon and ironically we used our sun hats as rain protection!
C: We saw our first lizard there. <Editor's note: By the end of the trip, the total lizard count maintained by B/C was 67.>
On Kanab
Callie liked where we had dinner the first night at Kanab, across the street from QPL.
C: The waiters there were really friendly. Actually, all of the waiters waitresses and guides on our trip were very friendly.
B: Get the giant caramel and brownie ice cream sunday that you can share with the whole family.
B: Definitely go to White Pocket or South Coyote Buttes or both. They super cool and fun to climb on. They have neat views.
Callie remembers the cow path. At White Pocket there was a trail of depressions in the sandstone. Our guide said the cattle retrace their same footsteps each time across to the pool where they drink, and have worn down the sandstone to leave a visible path of footprints.
C: I totally agree with Brady, I loved climbing on the rocks.
B: If you ever go, bring your camera. If you don't then your brain will have a critical error.
Wire Pass & Buckskin Gulch
B: Slot canyons are fun to play in. At some part of it you'll find petroglyphs.
C: The stagnant water was gross, but it was fun to get your feet muddy.
B: Yeah, and your legs and your thighs and your pants and your shirt and your chest if you're as tall as me. If you're as tall as Will, your head would be under water.
C: The sandstone there was cool because you could rub on it and the sand would rub off and make a soft pile of sand.
B: There were hand prints. And if you find big sand rocks, you can throw them on other rocks and they will explode. This is also where the petroglyphs are on the right side of the wall.
C: I saved the moth from inside the water and I carried it all the way out on my shirt and then it fell off my finger and eventually it flew up and went away. I was really proud of myself because you guys had decided that the moth wasn't going to make it and I rescued it.
Zion, Springdale, Desert Pearl Inn
B: MeMe's is the best breakfast spot if you like waffles and fruit.
C: I liked the hamburgers at the Spotted Dog.
B: If you go to Zion, definitely do The Narrows. There was one spot where Callie and I couldn't stand without our heads going under water.
Cal: I had to stick my pole into the sand in front of me and just hold on otherwise it would pull me away because the current is so strong.
B: Where there's a split a fork in the river go right because there's a spot where you can find a waterfall, two of them. If you go really far to the left of the left and turn around and go backwards there's a really hard part and a really deep part where you can't stand and neither could my brother Miles and I fell off the rocks head first it was so fun.
C: Mom wouldn't let us go on Angels Landing. But the other parts of Angels Landing which we did get to do were still fun. But I'm still mad at Mom.
C: Observation Point is a long hike.
C: When we got to the top and were eating our lunch a chipmunk got to within a foot of us because they wanted our lunch.
B: At Scout's Lookout there was a squirrel and it stole someone's lunch.
C: Brady got cactus in his butt at the top of Observation Point. B: Yeah, yeah!
C: The Desert Pool Inn pool was really really fun.
C: My poison ivy was really bad. <Editor's note: Callie was a trooper about her poison ivy.>
B: Get shaved ice or die.
C: I loved the blue raspberry.
Miles: There are so many awesome flavors and it's a must-do.
M: It's easy to walk places in Springdale.
<Rock shops in Orderville>
C: I liked the glass bottles with the stones in them. Brady got me a bottle of peridots, and I got blue topaz.
B: I bought two cool spilled oil colored artifacts. I got four rocks from Utah and three interesting rocks that were found underground. One was for me and three were for my friends.
B: The fighting pillows were really fun. As soon as I ran into the room I saw these big brown things and called them fighting pillows.
C: The hikes were really cool because they had nice views.
C: The rock colors were really cool. They were different strips of colors. In the middle there was a strip of white, and that was cool.
C: I liked the big castlie things in Bryce that looked like drip castles.
B: And there was a man standing near the snake and someone asked him "are you going to move" and he said "why, am I in the way of the pictures?"
B: I don't care if it bit me. And I don't think it would bite me. And it's just a snake, it was trying to get away. It just wants to slither away.
B: We had fun naming the wiggles. Brady's Bends, Callie's Curves, Miles' Meanders, Scott's Squiggles, Karen's Contours.
<Editor's note: While we weren't paying attention, Brady's amassed a 4" high pile of bacon at the breakfast buffet.>
B: I wish could be climbing on them all the time.
B: I saw in the hoodoos that there was a lama carved in
C: I saw a cat and a hummingbird
B: I saw a poodle and a bird
C: The dinner was great (at Ruby's). I liked the food there and the waitress was really nice.
C: On the Fairyland Loop Trail we saw a rock that looked like a wildcat.
C: It was nice when we got back to the car after that long hike.
C: There were pretty blue birds.
C: Even though we had cereal for dinner it was still really fun.
B The drive to Escalante had the drive through the small arch.
C: The guides were really nice.
C: The first rappel was the funnest. It was really long and steep.
B: Excursions of Escalante was really really fun. After the last rappel there were these slides that were super long and me and Callie and Miles did a choo choo train.
B: Some of the techniques we used were the body bridge, sitting bridge, heel jam, star bridge, saddle, and smearing, mantle.
B: My favorites were body bridging and smearing
C: Yeah, I really liked body bridging too. My favorite part of that was rappelling.
C: I liked the body bridging and all the bridging
B: I've done the body bridging and the star bridging before, and I've used the mantle tons.
B: The indian artifacts were really cool.
Karen: I thought it was cool that we each got fitted individually, and had our own packs and gloves and pack colors. I felt official.
B: I liked when Dad fell over.
C: Instead of going on your tippy toes you use all of your feet.
M: I didn't like it when I was just dangling, or when I was just touching one wall. I liked it when I was touching both walls.
C: It was cool when we rescued the rattlesnake.
B: The rattlesnake was cute and tiny and had a wimpy rattle. Its rattle was very embarrassing.
B: After we let it go we were sanding there watching us and se saw jets that were really loud and really close.
C: The rattlesnake made a trail in the sand.
Waitress at SCI: The only good snake is a dead snake.
C: After we did our tour we all got ice cream.
C: I loved our hotel because there were four kittens.
C: The woman who owned the inn had four kittens and you got to hold them and pick them up and they would purr and purr and purr and they would fall asleep
C: There were horses and cows
C: The woman who ran the hotel was really nice and friendly. And the guests were all really nice and friendly too.
C: The dinners and breakfasts were great.
B: There were bulls with horns and there was this one speckles bull that the owners would try really hard to keep in and trouble maker number one kept finding ways to get out.
B: The owners were very nice. The breakfast and dinner were delicious. For dinner there's this place you could go up to and there's this tent thing you could go in.
Miles: Really nice patio area and they grilled outside.
B: There was this really cool mosaic thing and the innkeepers sun made it.
B: My favorite food was escalate meatlovers it had bacon, pepperoni, cheese and sausage
C: I liked the deserts because they had a warm cake or a warm cokie and they put ice cream on top of it.
C: The people next to us ordered steak and it was fun to watch them cook it on the hot rock it came with.
C: The other guests were really friendly and it was fun to talk to them
B: They started talking about bears and told this story. There was a man walking his dog and when he turned the corner there was a bear with dog in mouth and he put the bear into a headlock and got the dog out of his mouth and he got 63 stitches in his arm and he said he'd do it again.
Miles: I thought the hotel was a really really nice place. And we all think that mom and dad should work there
Karen: <Trent was a guy also doing an excursion we met in the morning, and then we saw him again at dinner.> Trent wanted you to teach him sticks. I thought it was funny when Trent said "I bet y'all have never gotten a B"
C: There was one with a black stripe we named Stipe, and there was one we named Strip, Whitey, fatter than Stripe was Mama but later learned that its name should be Papa. Only Strip was a girl, grey and white.
C: The second day of hiking was not hiking at all but it was really fun and we saw lightening out of the car window. It was pretty bumming that we weren't able to do the slot canyon. It was kind of a bummer that we didn't get to do the hike but what we did instead was really fun.
B: We stopped at the Grand Staircase and it was really pretty.
B: The lightening was really really really cool.
C: It was fun to watch the lightening out the car window. Every minute it would go boom and there were big streaks.
B: There was this mountain thing with holes in it that me and Callie and Miles could fit in.
B: We saw dinosaur tracks, raised circles out of the ground. And we saw a bunch of big caves we could sit in.
M: The lightening added excitement to it.
M: When we're in Westboro, its hard to see streaks, but here you can look out and see the streaks.
K: The dinosaur tracks were 155 million years old.
C: We also went to this really cool coffee shop. We had steamed milk and it was really good.
M: It was on the edge of the world. It was built right into the side.
B: On both sides there was a 1000 foot drive and it was like really awesome, not scared at all.
B: We got at least ninety artifacts today.
C: It was sad leaving the hotel.
C: All in all it was just a great trip
M: This is like the best thing I've done in my entire life because it was so different than anything I've ever done or seen. But I'm also really happy to get back and see my friends and start school.
C: I've missed my friends a ton. But you do get a little homesick even though you're having this amazing time.
B: All in all it was a great vacation. The best place I've ever been to
M: It was depressing because there was a lot of poverty, and so few people in the towns.
K: We played a lot of Hink Pink
M: Mom and Dad would say "wow look at that mountain" and I would say "wow" but I had already seen that mountain like five times. A couple of times I had to fake amazement.